Which insurance company is responsible for which payment? What benefits am I entitled to? My experience shows: When disputes arise, a layperson is quickly overwhelmed. Especially when other issues, such as health recovery or stabilisation of the financial, social or professional situation, are taking up a lot of time. I stand by your side in these challenges and guide you through the jungle of paragraphs. Whether it's a dispute with your employer, the suspension of insurance benefits or a dispute with the liability insurer of the person responsible for the accident.
"I will guide you through the paragraph jungle"
The interfaces between the various areas of law, such as insurance law, labour law and criminal law, are particularly important. This is because your case may have points of contact in different areas. Ideally, it is possible to optimally harmonise the various claims and develop a long-term strategy. I would be happy to support you in this.
Foundation of AMIKO Lawyers
2017 - 2023
Lawyer in a law firm specialising in liability and insurance law in Zurich
Admitted to the bar in the canton of Basel-Stadt
2012 - 2016
Court traineeships at all courts of first instance, various administrative traineeships and one-year traineeship at a law firm in the canton of Basel-Stadt
2005 - 2012
Legal studies at the Universities of Freiburg i.Ü. and Basel